Legal Notice
Information in pursuance of Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and Section 18 Paragraph 2 of the Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting
HafenCity Hamburg GmbH
Executive Board: Dr. Andreas Kleinau (CEO), Christina Geib
Osakaallee 11
20457 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 374726 0
Fax: +49 40 374726 26
Court of registry: Hamburg local court:
Registration No.: HZB59437
VAT No. In accordance with Section 27a of the German VAT Act: DE 173998023
Responsible for content under Section 18 Paragraph 2 of the Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting:
Henrike Thomsen, HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, Osakaallee 11, 20457 Hamburg
Concept and design:
rock&stars digital GmbH
Schulterblatt 58
20357 Hamburg
DI UNTERNEHMER - Digitalagentur GmbH
Office Hamburg
Hopfensack 19
20457 Hamburg
Exclusion of liability:
The contents of this website have been researched and compiled with the greatest possible care. Errors and mistakes, however, cannot be precluded. We therefore undertake no guarantee or warranty that the contents so supplied are correct, complete or up-to-date. Use of the contents of the website is at the user’s own risk. In particular, the website is not meant to be used as a basis for assessing the risks of investment decisions, or of other business decisions, connected with the HafenCity Project or parts thereof.
Copyrights and other rights:
This website and its contents are covered by copyrights, trade-mark rights and rights in protection of competition. References to copyrights or trade-mark protection must not be changed or removed. Any commercial exploitation prohibited under copyright, trade mark or competition law shall require prior written permission by ourselves or by the proprietor of the rights concerned. This shall apply in particular to the duplication, processing, dissemination, public provision, storage and reproduction of the website, the website’s contents or parts of its contents, and to the adoption of our website, its contents or parts of its contents into databases, other websites or other electronic media or systems.